In order to protect and support students, faculty and staff this document outlines the planned and established measures for the continuity of teaching and learning in the event of an emergency or outbreak or pandemic shutdown and seamlessly transition to distance learning in response to health and safety issues.
This has the potential to impact specific classes, like practicum and examinations, or the entire school system for undetermined periods of time. This plan specifically focuses on the process of transitioning from in person learning to distance learning and does not relate to the operation of the already established Hybrid virtual learning but rather coincide with it. The plan outlines roles and responsibilities of staff, faculty and students to ensure a smooth transition and provide a clear plan that students and staff can understand. Protégé School continues to follow the guidance of Toronto Public Health and all health and safety regulations from the Ministry of Health. The College is committed to transparency and clear communication to our staff, students and community concluding that health and safety remain our primary focus.
focuses on three key components:
- PREPARING & COMMUNICATION – What tasks and actions need to be completed before there is a need to transition to distance learning.
- INITIATING & FOLLOW THROUGH – What steps will be taken to ensure a structured and systematic process during transition.
- REVIEWING & UPDATING – Following a return from distance learning, how we will review and reflect on the experience in order to improve our practices.
Preparedness is the most important part of an effective transition from in –person to distance learning. Several steps will be taken by administrative staff to ensure a seamless transition to distance learning regardless of the scope and context of the closure.
Administrative Staff will:
- Adhere to all Health and Safety protocols outlined by Toronto Public Health and The Ministry of Health.
- Prepare electronic contact lists for each classroom’s folder.
- Confirm appropriate staff have access to the necessary platforms from home (ZOOM, Class Marker, Protégé School Student Portal).
- Ensure a virtual ready workplace is available at home to perform the duties associated with your role.
- Updating classroom schedules
- sending electronic copies to students.
- sending electronic copies to instructors.
- Ensure all instructors have suitable media, computers, laptops are all updated.
- Ensure all forms of communication of staff and students i.e., cell phones, home numbers, emails are all accessible and updated.
- Ensure all staff and students receive updated information on:
- Updated Vaccination information.
- Covid-19 Testing requirements as per ministry guidelines.
- Covid-19 Symptoms.
- Steps on How to prevent the spread.
- Testing sites.
- Isolation and/or Quarantine protocols.
- Steps on how to get better.
- Support groups and contact information.
- Secure all teachers have updated ZOOM Meetings and Personal classroom I.D.'s setup
- Review with Faculty Instructors guidelines and the expectations of virtual learning classroom requirements
- Ensure online classroom attendance and student sign-in and sign-out policies are clear.
- Encourage the practice of student ZOOM Videos to be on at all times during learning sessions.
- Educate the students on all homework, assignment submission and collection.
- How to enforce a secure examination procedure during the online Class Marker Quiz/Test Maker.
- All cameras must have a clear visual of student including face and hands.
- all students must remain with videos cameras on at all time, with no diversion of eyes, face or hand movements.
- Students must not leave their seats during the entire screen time and examination time.
- once the student leaves their seat they are considered to be "finished" and the exam must be submitted.
- Students who arrive late to the exam may not have access to complete their examination or may have a shorter examination time.
Instructors will:
- Adhere to all Health and Safety protocols outlined by Toronto Public Health and The Ministry of Health.
- Follow all instructions as per outlined The Guidelines and the Expectations of Virtual Learning Classroom Requirements
- Enforce online classroom attendance and student sign-in and sign-out policies are made clear to their students.
- Encourage the practice of student ZOOM Videos to be on at all times during learning sessions.
- Educate the students on all homework, assignment submission and collection.
- Enforce a secure examination procedure during the online Class Marker Quiz/Test Maker.
- All cameras must have a clear visual of student including face and hands .
- all students must remain with videos cameras on at all time, with no diversion of eyes, face or hand movements.
- Students must not leave their seats during the entire screen time and examination time.
- once the student leaves their seat they are considered to be "finished" and the exam must be submitted.
- Students who arrive late to the exam may not have access to complete their examination or may have a shorter examination time.
- Regulate and remind students of Practicum requirements if "practice hours" can be achieved at home (some Courses or subject matter may not apply i.e. Massage Therapy
- Submission of photos, videos.
- Signed attestation that practicum hours have been completed.
- Assign their students corresponding Examination dates and times via Class-Marker.
- Review Safety Guidelines and Protocols in the event student(s) require Covid-19 Testing with the students
- How to test for Covid-19.
- Symptoms.
- access to testing centers.
- self-isolation or quarantine procedures.
- steps to get better.
- Share support and Emergency contact information.
- Instructors must have updated online teaching material in their respective teaching subjects.
- All teachers responsible for curriculum and in class student support are expected to engage in ongoing learning and support for students virtually and through email.
- Timetables will remain intact throughout the virtual learning period to allow for synchronous delivery of itinerant subjects and Instructors WILL NOT make any changes unless agreed and confirmed by Administration.
- Have a copy of lesson plans and/or other learning materials/resources at home to ensure continuity of lessons.
- Ensure internet, personal computer, and software are working at home.
Students will:
- Adhere to all Health and Safety protocols outlined by Toronto Public Health and The Ministry of Health.
- Update contact information, including email, at the school.
- Ensure you know the teacher’s name and contact information.
- Ensure you are receiving communication emails.
- Login to School Portal to verify your contact information. If you require assistance updating, please email school ( for assistance.
- Login to Class Marker to verify account and password for Examination taking.
- Follow all instructions as per outlined The Guidelines and the Expectations of Virtual Learning Classroom Requirements
- Online classroom attendance and student sign-in and sign-out policies.
- The practice of student ZOOM Videos to be on at all times during learning sessions.
- All homework, assignment submission and due dates.
- Abide by all examination procedure during the online Class Marker Quiz/Test Maker.
- All cameras must have a clear visual of your face and hands.
- Videos cameras MUST remain on at all times, with no diversion of eyes, face or hand movements.
- Do not leave your seat during the entire screen time and examination time.
- If at any point you leave your seat you are considered to be "finished" and the exam must be submitted
- Please be sure to arrange a quiet area where there will be no distractions during Examination time.
- Late arrival to the exam may not have access to complete their examination or may have a shorter examination time.
- Regulate and remind students of Practicum requirements if "practice hours" can be achieved at home (some Courses or subject matter may not apply i.e. Massage Therapy
- Submission of photos, videos.
- Signed attestation that practicum hours have been completed.
- Assign their students corresponding Examination dates and times via Class-Marker.
- Become familiar with Safety Guidelines and Protocols in the event Covid-19 Testing maybe be necessary
- How to test for Covid-19.
- Symptoms.
- Access to testing centers.
- Self-isolation or quarantine procedures.
- Steps to get better.
- Support and Emergency contact information.
The following is a step-by-step process to transition of a class, program or entire College to distance learning. This process assumes all the above preparation tasks are completed.
Step 1: Reporting a Case of COVID-19
The process to initiate a transition to distance learning starts when the college first learns about a confirmed case of COVID-19 affecting a class, school staff member or student registered at the school. To ensure cases are tracked effectively and the exposure and risk to the community is well understood, the following will be completed by various groups.
The Covid-19 Designated Administrative Contacts will:
- Notify Toronto Public Health to pinpoint the exposure and risk to the school community.
- Toronto Public Health (TPH) will investigate the confirmed case and make the final determination on which staff and students are required to self-isolate.
- Inform the class and/or staff/faculty the relevant information and communications to the school community.
Step 2: Transitioning to Distance Learning
Once the Covid-19 Designated Administrative Contacts has reported a positive case and Toronto Public Health (TPH) has determined a class will be required to self-isolate, steps must be taken to move classes to online learning for the duration of the TPH determined isolation period. Under the following conditions the transition to Distance Learning will be initiated:
- SCENARIO 1 – INDIVIDUAL COHORTS A student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 and TPH directs that some/all students and staff associated with that cohort self-isolate for a predetermined amount of time.
- SCENARIO 2 – MULTIPLE COHORTS/TPH CLOSURE TPH determines that multiple cohorts at one site are required to self-isolate. TPH will determine next steps and guide the College response.
- SCENARIO 3 – SCHOOL OR SYSTEM-WIDE CLOSURE (OTHER REASONS) Where local conditions warrant a response, all decisions will be made with student and staff safety as the top priority. The decision to close schools will be made by the Ministry of Health, Toronto Public Health. Considerations will include, but not be limited to, enrolment, staffing, and other available resources at the College.
Step 3: Communication
Protégé School Administration is committed to providing Staff/Faculty, students and the Protégé community with timely communication about the transition to distance learning. Throughout the transition, communication will be primarily managed by the Covid-19 Designated Contacts and the Administration team.
- The Covid-19 Designated Contacts will:
- Communicate to local staff the decision of Toronto Public Health to transition to distance learning.
- Send the TPH communication of isolation details via email and phone call to all affected staff and students via Prot?g? School Portal.
- Update the school’s voicemail where appropriate.
- Provide on-going communication support to the administrative staff, instructors and students to ensure communication remains timely, clear.
Step 4: Continuity of Learning
To ensure continuity of learning and an effective transition, the following will take place within the first few days of distance learning:
- Administration will:
- Ensure all instructors and students can login to the learning management platform (ZOOM).
- Coordinate virtual timetable with already existing Hybrid programs (if applies).
- Call any students who have been reported absent or who are not able to connect and determine their needs.
- Ensure all teachers have started online synchronous learning lessons and support any teachers as needed.
- Ensure office staff are online and able to support school operations.
- Visit classes virtually through Zoom and participate in lessons to maintain a connection to the school community.
- Teachers will:
- Ensure all students are in attendance and report those who are not immediately to the administrative staff.
- Hold first synchronous learning session and ensure students have the required resources to continue.
- learning materials.
- Upon notification of an isolation period, teacher will conduct a check and connect with student to ensure that the learning platform is operational.
Step 5: Preparing for Return
In preparation for the safe return of students and staff to the physical school, the following tasks will be complete:
- Cleaning and Environmental Services will:
- Perform enhanced cleaning and disinfection of all affected area, high-touch surfaces, and classrooms.
- Review and restock PPE and sanitizer.
- Review and restock custodial cleaning supplies.
- The Covid-19 Designated Contact(s) will:
- Provide an update to Instructors and students at least once during the closure on preparedness of the school for return.
- Hold a Must Attend virtual workshop for students on how to safely return to school inclusive of:
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) online learning.
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) certification requirements.
Step 6: Return to In-Person learning
At the end of the prescribed isolation period, the class or school will return to in person learning. To ensure a smooth transition, the following should be completed.
- The Covid-19 Designated Contact(s) will:
- Ensure staff and students are informed of return date prior to the scheduled return to in-person learning.
- Update school voicemail.
- Follow Ministry of Health guidelines i.e.
- Staggered learning timetables.
- limited numbers per area/classroom.
Protégé School will engage in a review process following the transition of a class and or school to and from distance learning to provide insight and feedback as to how the process was successful and where improvements could be considered. The feedback should be documented and reviewed with relevant staff to ensure that protocols can be improved and that the transition to the Continued Education Plan can be updated. During this review process the following items may be discussed and noted:
- Issues or concerns with preparation of the school, staff, or virtual classroom.
- Concerns raised by students or staff.
- The effectiveness and timing of communications to students and staff.
- Communication and processes with TPH.
- Other major issues encountered and how they were handled.